What People Say
Another amazing week with CTC on a triathlon training camp, this time in Zadar. Great program covering all three disciplines with really helpful technical coaching particularly in the swimming and running. Fantastic rides to all the best spots in Dalmatia with a great group of people both on the coaching and participants side. As one of the older athletes, I was always in the slower groups but was never made to feel out of my depth in a very supportive and encouraging environment. Great fun and hard work!
Dami Zupi – athlete
Kot rekreativni kolesar sem tovrstne training camp-e vedno jemal z rezervo. Češ: “Jaz tega ne potrebujem, malo bom prebral strokovno literaturo, in to bo zadostovalo.”
Kako zelo zem se motil in kako zelo vznemirjen sem, da sem se končno odločil in pridružil “Croatia Training Camp-u”, na otoku Hvaru v organizaciji hrvaškega triatlon strokovnjaka Jadran Domančić-a.
Navdušen sem nad celovitim pristopom, od kolesarskega dela, pa vse do strokovnih delavnic, meritev laktata na terenu, masaže kot del regeneracije po vožnjah in nasplošno skrbno načrtovanega celotnega training camp-a.
Spoznal sem nove kolesarske navdušence, vsi smo bili deležni vrhunske namestitve in postrežbe v Park hotel-u, da o odličnih vremenskih pogojih sploh ne govorim: Medtem, ko je bilo v Sloveniji -9 stopinj, jih je Hvar nameril prijetnih 12 . In to v decembru!
Izjemna izkušnja, katero bom čez leto dni definitivno ponovil, to izkušnjo pa toplo priporočam vsem resnejšim rekreativnim kolesarjem ali tistim, ki želijo narediti korak naprej v svoji kolesarski pripravljenosti.
Frenk Lisica – Athlete
I was very daunted at the prospect of travelling with my bike to a foreign country and not know any other athletes but I really needn’t have been. The coaches were on hand to help every step of the way if needed and I loved meeting and training with the other guys, I feel everyone bonded really well and simply encouraged each other no matter the age, gender or ability and there was plenty of laughter along the way so much so that we all agreed to try and meet up on the next one. Cycling in the sunshine, life really doesn’t get any better than that. Roll on next year
Agy Lenarska – Cyclist
Just come back off a TCTC training camp in Hvar and it far exceeded my expectations. I was really nervous beforehand and didn’t know what to expect but couldn’t have met a nicer group of people. Coaches were fantastic and put on a great training programme as well as advising on individual developments. Resort was fab and location provided great cycling and running routes. I would 100% recommend a CTC camp for triathlete regardless of ability. Can’t wait for the next one!
Tim Gorenc – athlete